Juhu Ecological Park
Explore, Learn, and Rejuvenate
We offer outdoor adventure services and environmental education activities.
There are currently 12 mammal species in Juhu Ecological Park. More will be added as we try to identify which mice and shrew species are present here. We have seen tracings of them, but we still dont know which species exactly. We also see bats at dusk that need to be recorded in due time.
Formosan Macaque
Over the decades, their population numbers have drastically increased, resulting in a significant amount of crop damage due to crop raiding. Fortunately, they are afraid of people here and we need to keep it that way.
Reeves's Muntjac
In a day, at least a dozen of muntjacs can be heard or encountered. You see them foraging slowly, running away, or barking from a close distance. They have over-browsed many of the young trees in the forests so we protect some trees from muntjacs.
Wild Boar
They are hard to see personally, but their traces and marks are everywhere! Every morning you may observe new tracks, faeces, and or marks.
Crab-eating Mongoose
Mongooses have been reported to be more and more abundant all over Taiwan. As generalist feeders, they eat what they can find. We sometimes catch them feeding on dying muntjacs.
Masked-palm Civet
Civets are difficult to spot as they are nocturnal species, but we sometimes see their tracks on the ground. We currently don't know how abundant they are here.
Taiwan Giant Flying Squirrel
They are nocturnal animals that mainly feed on leaves. You need a flashlight to spot them, but usually you hear them before you see them! The are common here.
Taiwan Serow
Serows like to be near rocky, steep areas. They can be encountered in the forests here often. We can even see them climb trees to feed on vegetation.
Though rare, an easy way to recognize their presence is by identifying their burrowed holes. Last time one was seen was in 2020.
Chinese ferret-badger
There main diet consists of insects and amphibians. They are good climbers and are usually active dusk and at night.
Pallas's Squirrel
Sometimes you may mistake their calls for macaques. You find them on trees foraging for fruit.
We think it is possible that the few encounters of shrews we had over the years are the Taiwanese grey shrew.
Photo credits go to iNaturalist users who have contributed their observations to the public.