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Writer's picturejenkjuhu

About Fireflies

(English below)


在竹湖生態園區,目前為止記錄到7種螢火蟲物種,其中有兩種不發光,還有一種在冬季可見。與10年前相比,螢火蟲季節變得越來越早。20到30年前,它們更加豐富,高達30,000只。季節也從三月延長到五月. 今年交配季節的豐富程度取決於前一年的天氣條件。根據當地的經驗,螢火蟲需要全年均勻而規律的降雨,才能在接下來的一年觀察到豐富的螢火蟲。乾旱和不規律的降雨會影響幼蟲的存活率,因此在接下來的一年中會看到較少的螢火蟲。在竹湖生態園區,螢火蟲喜歡吃蝸牛和蚯蚓。








Did you know that Taiwan is rich in firefly biodiversity? Presently, 65 firefly species have been recorded including in the smaller islands. Densities of firefly are also one of the top in the world, after Jamaica and Costa Rica.

In Juhu Ecological Park, there are currently 7 recorded species, two of which do not glow, and one seen in winter. It is said that firefly season is becoming earlier and earlier compared to 10 years ago. They were more abundant, up to 30 thousands 20 to 30 years ago. The season laster longer and later from March to May. The current year's abundance during the mating season is dependent on the previous year's weather condition. According to local knowledge, fireflies need even and regular rainfall all throughout the year in order to observe abundant fireflies the next year. Periods of drought and uneven rainfall influences the survival rates of young fireflies, so that less would be seen the following year. In JEP, fireflies like to eat snails and worms.

Fireflies belong to the order Coleoptera. They undergo complete

metamorphosis, with four stages in their life cycle: egg, larva, pupa, and adult.

Most larvae are carnivorous, having a large thorny jaw to capture prey and eat.

A newly hatched larva is in the first stage of development, and it progresses one

stage with each molting. Larvae usually undergo 5-7 moltings (depending on

species) before pupation occurs.

Terrestrial firefly eggs are laid within crevices in dark and damp stones, mosses,

or soils. Once larvae are hatched, they grow in the forest understory. As they

gradually mature, they begin entering into crevices or the soil to get ready for

pupation. Aquatic firefly eggs, on the other hand, are found near damp grass or

moss along waterways. Once larvae are hatched, they enter the water to

capture small or medium sized shellfish or snails as food. Once they mature,

they climb onto the ground, searching for damp and dark areas to pupate. The

stages of pupation allow the body organs to completely develop and wings to

grow, following which the insects emerge from the pupae to look for other

fireflies to mate with and produce the next generation.

Most male fireflies have two light-emitting organs with two complete sets of

wings to enable smooth flying, whereas female fireflies have three different


1. Winged – appearance is similar to that of male fireflies, but the body is

normally larger with only one light-emitting organ. Ex: Abscondita cerata and

Abscondita anceyi

2: Sheath-winged – wings are slightly less evolved, but still cover a certain area

of the abdomen. Ex: Luciola curtithorax

3. Wingless - wings are clearly degraded or even inexistent. Appearance

resembles that of a larva known as “Neoteny".

The second and the third types of females are flightless, and can only light up

on ground level or at the height of grass fields, waiting for male fireflies to mate

with them. Ex: Pyrocoelia praetexta and Diaphanes ampyroides.


(The pdf also has wonderful and easy to understand images)

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